Norwegian Forest Cat
NFO ft 09 22
Ms. C. Liβy
NFO nt s 09 22
silver amber tabby blotched/white
NFO x os 22
silver amber tabby blotched
D* Frankie vom Arlesbrunnen
NFO ns 09 23
black silver tabby mackerel/white
S* Wildwood's Peter Pan
NFO os 24; silver amberspotted
IC D* Konja vom Arlesbrunnen
NFO ns 09 23;
D* Baltimoor’s Naomi
NFO n 23
black tabby mackerel
S* Royal Imp's Maurice
NFO ny 24; black golden tabby spotted
S* Pocahonta's Habima
NFO ns 09 22; black silver tabby blotched/white
NFO a 09 22
blue tabby blotched/white
NFO p 09 24
light amber tabby spotted/white
D* Joker vom Arlesbrunnen
NFO p 09 23
light amber tabby mackerel/white
NL* Xzieje van Moraja
NFO a 09 23; blue tabby mackerel/white
D* Magic Starlight’s Calista
NFO a 09 23
blue tabby mackerel/white
IC S* Fidelity´s Pascal NFO n 09 22; black tabby blotched/white
CH S* Midvinternattens Mistral NFO f 09; black tortie/white
NFO g 22
blue tortie tabby blotched
NFO n 09 22
black tabby blotched/white
EC S* Micehunter’s Fantasio, DM
NFO e 22
cream tabby blotched
IP / EC S* Rockringen's Hoodoo Guru, DM
NFO n 09 22; black tabby blotched/white
PR / IC S* Cinderella
NFO e 22; cream tabby blotched
S* MorHoppans Ozca
NFO f 22
black tortie tabby blotched
PR / EC S* Solkullas Frode
NFO d 22; red tabby blotched
GIC S* MorrHoppans Luna
NFO ns 09 22
black silver tabby blotched/white
NFO f 23
black tortie tabby mackerel
GIP/ EC S* Rockringen’s Led Zeppelin, DM
NFO ds 09 22
red silver tabby blotched/white
EP / EC DK* Tilia Nova's Domingo, DM
GIC S* Rockringen’s Cajsa-Stina, DM
NFO d 09 22, red tabby blotched/white
IC S* Poo Nai’s Birla Mandir
EC S* Gefjon Balder
NFO n 09; black/white
IP / GIC N* Torvmyra's Silver Emmeli
NFO fs 23; black silver tabby mackerel
GIC / GWC D* Arwen aus Bruchtal
NFO f 09 23
black tortie tabby mackerel/white
NFO d 09 23
red tabby mackerel/white
EC D* Billy the Kid of Hachetal
NFO n 09 23
black tabby mackerel/white
GEC D* Leroy of Shorty Cats
CH DK* Papyrus Daniël
NFO n 09 23; black tabby mackerel/white
CH D* Tiger's Red Jenny von Wat Mahadat
NFO d 09 22; red tabby blotched/white
EP/EC D* Jette Jørdis Bloom av Bloomdal
WC S* Twistlocks Cherokee, DM
NFO n 22; black tabby blotched
WC D* Alannah von Tana Bru, DM
IC D* Karasjok’s Axinja
EP / GIC D* Merlin von der Wilkenburg
NFO n 21
black tabby
IC D* Dorian von Orlas
NFO d 09 22
red tabby blotched/white
CH D* Christebell der Isis von Philae
NFO n 23; black tabby mackerel
EC D* Afjord’s Isabeau
GIC DK* Dansbjergs Ejnar
NFO d 09 23; red tabby mackerel/white
D* Afjord's Scally
NFO f 09 23; black tortie tabby mackerel/white
IC D* Lillefjord’s Udo Lindenberg
EC D* Små-Troll’s Nordic Nils
CH D* O'Mally vom Feengarten
D* Små-Troll’s Goldie
NFO ny 09 22
black golden tabby blotched/white
D* Små-Troll’s Evita Peron
NFO fs 09
black tortie smoke/white
IC D* Små-Troll´s Anthony NFO as 09 22; blue tabby blotched/white
IC D* Tegai no tora´s Helena NFO f 09 23; black tortie tabby mackerel/white
CH D* Atina av Snøskyen
GIC D* Attila vom Tierberg
NFO ny 09 24
black golden tabby spotted/white
D* Jankothan av Takeskog
NFO as 09 22
blue silver tabby blotched/white
D* Lille-Bjørn's Debra
IC D* Angel-Queen vom Schneeparadies
NFO n 22
black tabby blotched
EC DK* Dansbjergs Curtis
EC D* Bianca von Adeloga